On June 26th, Plentiful Harvest had our (hopefully first annual) soccer tournament! There were 8 teams that came out to play with their adoring fans. The concession stand was popping with lots of treats, the most popular being gatorade and Chick fil A. No surprises there.
The teams participated in pool play with the top 2 in each pool progressing to the final 4! The games were quite exciting and we want you to see the proud faces of the winning teams:
The First Place Team : Tucanes Fast
The Second Place Team: The Young Pirates (travelling in from Columbia, SC)
It was a wonderful event and we raised $2,400 that will go directly to Plentiful Harvest and launching the new businesses!! Keep visiting our blog so you can be up to date on the latest information AND if you are interested in being on our mailing list - send an email to us at plentifulharvestug@gmail.com
More pictures coming soon! If you have pictures you would like us to share, you may email them to us!