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Happily Serving


1 John tells us, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." and in the concluding exhortations of Hebrews we read "do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." The actions we do, or the actions we do NOT do, are important for this life and the life to come. How easy it can be to send a text, write a post or tweet a tweet - but to sacrifice our own time? our own money? our own schedules?

I am so encouraged and challenged by the so many who came to help and pull off this tournament. Pulling off an event of any scale takes more work than expected. One line on the "to do list" is hours of actual work. And there are always things that never made it on the list - like buying zip ties to hang banners! We are so thankful for each person who sacrificed their valuable time and resources in order to get the things done that needed to be done! To the one who painted the field, thank you for adding the necessary structure to our games. To the one who designed, ordered, engraved and donated the medals, thank you.

To the ones who stuffed our "mini-swag bags", thank you.

To the one who answered each phone call, came early, stayed late, did whatever needed to be done, thank you.

To the ones who kept children so mama and daddys could play, thank you.

To the who picked up CFA food, hung posters, and continually asked "what else?" with a smile - thank you.

To the one who did the Costco run, ran the concession stand and put others first, thank you.

To the one who donated half of what she earned, thank you.

To the ones who entertained my children all day, thank you.

To the ones who played soccer, thank you. (Hard to have a soccer tournament without players!)

Massive thank yous to everyone who helped pull this off!! Send an email to if you already know you do NOT want to miss out on next year! I have my spreadsheet of contacts for 2023 and I'd love to add you to it!!

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